Forty Beloved Herbs

More about the course


We are so excited to spend ten months in circle with you and our forty most beloved plants.

During each class we will share our knowledge of growing, harvesting, and preparing two different herbs, as well as their Materia Medica and energetics.

Throughout the course we will weave in Earth-based lunar, solar and seasonal rhythms from our Celtic and Mediterranean ancestors. We will discuss constitution and basic patterns of imbalance, including through the lenses of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda that have informed our herbal practices.

We will share stories with you from our work as community herbalists and the incredible ways we have witnessed the plants offer their healing gifts and transform suffering—time and time again.

We will share our love of the plants and the profound joy we carry from walking with these magnanimous, dynamic beings.

We will share our experience, insights & epiphanies, and our compassion. We will share our questions and the ways we are still growing as herbalists.

Join us!—We will be your guides in the work of weaving herbs back into our daily lives, our families and our communities. We believe that this work is an essential part of healing humanity’s relationship with ourselves and Nature. Together we can create a future where all Beings have the right to thrive.

Deb and Lauren bow with gratitude to the generosity of Earth & to the healing plants and their capacity to support the thriving and wholeness of all Beings.

Who is the course for?

This course is geared toward a wide range of herbalists, herb lovers and gardeners. For new explorers, lifelong learners, parents deepening their herbal toolkit for their families, clinical practitioners and community care workers. Being in relationship with the healing plants is an ancestral memory we all carry in our blood.

If delving into learning about herbs is new for you, we have put together a list of resources & books you can check out to accompany the course.

Our goal is that you walk away from this course with the confidence to work with each of our forty beloved herbs in a personal, family or community setting.

Classes will include…

—How these herbs grow in the garden, or where to responsibly find them

—Harvesting, drying and storage

—How to create preparations from these 40 herbs, or how to source them

—Materia Medica,energetics and the therapeutic qualities of the herbs

—How these herbs support us on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels

—Daily and seasonal wellness 

—Prayer, relationship and ritual

Deb sharing about Greek Mullein

Course Schedule

All classes take place on MONDAYS from 5:30-7pm EST (2:30-4 PST)

Recordings will be available the following day.

Class 1: January 6th— Avena (Oats) & Thyme

Class 2: January 20th— Echinacea & Elder

Class 3: February 3th—Astragalus & Eleuthero

Class 4: February 24th—Marshmallow & Rhodiola

Class 5: March 10th—Blue Vervain & Calendula


Class 6: March 24th—Angelica & White Pine

Class 7: April 7th—Rosemary & Wood Betony

Class 8: April 21st—Dandelion & Yarrow

Class 9: May 5th—Nettle & Lady’s Mantle

Class 10: May 19th—Chickweed & Plantain

Class 11: June 2nd—Lemonbalm & Lavender

Class 12: June 16th—Motherwort & Rose

Class 13: July 7th—St. John’s Wort & Comfrey


Class 14: July 21th—Boneset & Teasel


Class 15: September 15th—Schizandra & Hawthorn

Class 16: September 29th—Skullcap & Baical Skullcap

Class 17: October 13th—Solomon’s Seal & Black Cohosh


Class 18: October 27th—Ashwagandha & Holy Basil

Class 19: November 3rd—Gotu Kola & Bacopa (Brahmi)

Class 20: November 17th—Burdock & Mullein

What does the course cost?

The cost of the course is $780.

We offer a variety of payment options.

You can:

  • pay the full amount upfront (this is helpful for us if you can do it!)

  • Make 2 or 4 payments

  • Make monthly payments from January-August

We are committed to promoting inclusion, accessibility and equity. We acknowledge that all healing is bound up in our collective liberation, the repair of historical harms and the creation of an equitable, just society where all Beings (human and more-than-human) have the right to thrive.